An HVLP Jet Gravity feed Spraygun
HVLP Jet Gravity feed Spraygun , FMT9500 complete with a 600 ml Pot
1.3mm Set Up
Features and Benefit
- Reduced air consumption means less strain on compressor.
- A high transfer efficiency or 68%+/- reduces paint use.
- Stainless steel fluid nozzle and needle allow for use of water based coatings.
- Significant reduction in operating costs
- Working air pressure 2BAR/20-28PSI
- Air consumption 270L/Min
- Paint pot capacity 600ml
- Paint pot thread M16 1.5P
- Weight 450g
- Air inlet ¼
- Pattern width 300mm
- Will accept disposable pot systems.
- Available in 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 Fluid tips
- Can be used with 3M disposable pot system, use adaptor number 2 (3M code 16032)
- Suitable for water based paints
- Working Pressure: 2BAR/20-28PSI
- Air Consumption: 270L/min
- Air Inlet: 1/4″
- Paint Pot Thread: M16 1.5p
- Weight 450g
- Pattern Width: 300mm
- Stainless Steel Fluid Nozzle
Operating Instructions
To obtain the best results, it is important that you prepare the surface to be sprayed and thin the paint to the correct viscosity before you start work. Always ensure that the surface to be sprayed is free from dust, dirt, grease and other foreign bodies. Always mask the areas around the areas tobe sprayed using good quality masking tape. The paint to be sprayed should be suited to the taskand compatible with your spraygun. There should be no lumps or other particles. Make sure thatyou have a properly working strainer. Many substances can be sprayed with this gun buy it is important that you check with your paint supplier before purchasing your paint. It is very importantthat you check the panel for signs of silicone contamination before starting work.
Most paints are supplied ready for the type of application and applying technique but may have tobe thinned for use with your spraygun. Always follow the paint manufactures advice on thinningpaint. A viscosity cup will help you determine the correct viscosity of the paint to be used. Tomeasure the viscosity of the paint fill the cup to the brim and measure the length of time it take toempty. The table below shows the recommended times for different materials. Please note thatthis is intended as a guide only and you should advice from your paint supplier.
Plastic & Latex 24-28secs Water based Paint 20-25secs
Primers 24-28secs Varnishes 20-25secs
Oil based paints 18-22secs Enamel paints 18-22secs
Aluminium paints 22-25secs Car underseal 25-35secs
Wood sealers 28-35secs Wood preservatives Not required
Wood stains Not required
If the paint takes longer than the recommended time to empty, further thinning is required. Mix asmall quantity of the appropriate thinner and use the viscosity cup again until the required figure isachieved. Some paints contain lumps and particles and these should be strained before use.
Fill the paint cup with the appropriately thinned paint and screw onto the gun. Connect the air hoseswitch on compressor. See Fig.1 for the recommended air line setup It is recommended that you use a test card or scrap panel to make sure that the paint is correct. This also aids comparison with existing paint work.
To get best results, keep your spraygun level and at 90oto the surface at all times (see Fig.2).
Keep the nozzle 200-300mm from the surface and spray evenly from side to side or up and down.
Spraying at an angle will lead to paint runs. Use smooth, even strokes. When spraying large
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